Welcome to John’s Blog

This is my first post on a new blog. Follow this journey as I develop my business and provide advice and products to help you gain Time and Financial Freedom.

I have had several blogs in the past and for one reason or another they have fallen by the wayside. If you have visited one of my blogs in the past then welcome back and if this is your first visit welcome.

Who am I and what am I doing?

At this stage I am setting up a new blog so that About Me pages and so on are not yet in existence so here is a potted history about me which will serve until I get all the other bits and pieces completed.

I graduated from University and worked in a variety of jobs ranging from Production Management, Sales, Training and Safety and so on. I finally settled on a career in Training in Business and Industry finally working in the Software industry. I launched my own operation in 1987 and travelled the UK, Europe and large parts of the USA running software training courses. That was fine and great fun until the financial crash and the end of a marriage left me skint and pretty disillusioned.

Since then I have tried various means of earning a living online with a little success here and there but nothing earth shattering. I won’t bore you with the details. Come 2020 I decided that this was the year. I resurrected my membership of Partnership to Success by John Thornhill and have restarted the whole process. One of the topics which I intend to cover in my blog is my progress through the course and my successes and failures along the way.

Share my Journey

I’d love to share this process with you so please come back regularly and watch my progress. Encouragement and comment will be appreciated so please feel free.

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